What to Sow Now for a Good Autumn and Winter Crop in Your Market Garden

Embracing the Changing Seasons in Your Market Garden is important. As the warmth of summer makes way for the crisp coolness of autumn, savvy market gardeners recognise the golden opportunity to continue reaping nature's rewards. 

By strategically sowing the right crops at the right time, you can ensure a thriving garden even as the days grow shorter. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the essential crops that promise a robust autumn and winter harvest for your beloved market garden.


1. Leafy Greens: The Cornerstone of Winter Abundance

When it comes to extending your growing season, leafy greens are the undeniable heroes. Kale, spinach, and Swiss chard are not only rich in nutrients but also resilient to cooler temperatures. To embark on a successful leafy green journey, consider the following tips:

  • Variety Selection: Opt for cold-hardy varieties specifically bred for winter growth. Varieties such as 'Winterbor' kale and 'Winter Density' lettuce are known for their ability to brave the chill.
  • Timing is Key: Aim to sow seeds in late summer to early fall, ensuring they have ample time to establish before the first frost. Planting too late may lead to stunted growth.
  • Row Covers and Cloches: For an added layer of protection against frost and cold winds, employ row covers or cloches. These simple tools create a microclimate around your crops, giving them a cozy space to flourish.


2. Root Vegetables: Unearthing Earth's Treasures

As autumn arrives, the spotlight turns to the realm below the surface. Root vegetables like carrots, beets, and radishes not only thrive in cooler weather but also develop richer flavours. To ensure an abundant harvest of subterranean delights, follow these steps:

  • Soil Preparation: Prioritise well-draining soil to prevent water-logging and the subsequent risk of rot. Loose soil promotes healthy root growth and easy tuber expansion.
  • Thinning and Spacing: Once your seedlings emerge, thin them out to ensure proper spacing. This prevents overcrowding, which can lead to misshapen or stunted roots.
  • Mulching Magic: Apply a layer of organic mulch to insulate the soil, maintaining consistent moisture levels and preventing extreme temperature fluctuations.


3. Cruciferous Delights: Cauliflower, Broccoli, and Cabbage

Cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage are the crown jewels of the cool-season garden. While these cruciferous delights require a bit more care, the payoff is undeniably worth it. Here's how to cultivate these flavourful gems:

  • Indoor Start: Begin by planting seeds indoors, allowing them to develop strength before facing the harsh outdoors. Once they've developed several true leaves, transplant them to their designated spots in the garden.
  • Nutrient Nurturing: Cruciferous plants are heavy feeders. Provide them with ample nutrients through well-composted soil or periodic applications of balanced organic fertiliser.
  • Pest Vigilance: Keep an eye out for pests such as cabbage worms and aphids. Consider introducing beneficial insects or using organic pest control methods to safeguard your crop.


4. Winter Herbs: Aromatic Treasures

Adding a burst of flavour to your winter dishes is made possible by cultivating winter herbs. Thyme, rosemary, and chives are hardy and resilient, thriving even when the mercury drops. Elevate your winter garden with these aromatic beauties:

  • Siting Strategy: Choose a sunny spot for your herbs to ensure they receive the maximum amount of winter sunlight. Adequate light translates to better growth and stronger flavours.
  • Mulching Mastery: Apply mulch around the base of your herb plants to protect their roots from freezing temperatures. This also helps to conserve soil moisture during drier winter months.


5. Planning Ahead: Overwintering and Crop Rotation

Beyond the immediate sowing strategies, forward-thinking is key to maintaining a healthy garden year-round:

  • Overwintering Wisdom: Learn the art of overwintering by protecting vulnerable crops with frost blankets or cold frames. Proper insulation can mean the difference between thriving plants and disappointing losses.
  • Crop Rotation Routine: Implement crop rotation practices to prevent the buildup of soil-borne diseases and pests. Rotate your crops in a systematic manner to ensure soil health and optimise yields.


Nurturing Your Garden Through the Seasons:

In the tapestry of a market gardener's journey, autumn and winter emerge as chapters of excitement and growth. Armed with the knowledge of which seeds to sow and when, you have the power to extend your harvest well into the colder months. Each sown seed becomes a promise of bounty, a testament to your dedication, and an investment in the future of your cherished market garden.

For all that you might need to protect your crops, why not check out our crop protection, netting and support section: https://reagtools.co.uk/pages/plant-support-netting-fleece-membrane 


AllotmentCrop protectionCrop rotationFood growingGreenhouseMarket garden toolsMarket gardeningMarket gardening toolsPolytunnelRegenerative agricultureSmall scale farming