The broadfork is a two handled hand tool which allows the user to loosen and aerate deeply compacted soil without bringing the lower layers to the surface. The tool is perfect for those growers who want to work with minimum-till or no-dig as the tool does not "invert the soil", which keeps the soil structure in place whilst allowing space for deep roots to develop.
The broadfork is one of the simplest but most effective tools on our market garden. Derived from the french tool 'la grelinette' or often known as the 'U-Fork' it is symbollic of market gardening where hand tools are the primary tools used when growing food.

Regenerative Bed Prep Processes
In today's era of sustainable farming practices, regenerative agriculture has gained significant attention for its ability to restore and enhance soil health while promoting ecological balance. Bed preparation is a critical step in the vegetable growing process, and employing regenerative practices and regenerative tools can greatly contribute to the success of your garden / farm while aligning with the principles of regenerative agriculture.
By incorporating regenerative agriculture tools into bed preparation, you can optimiae the soil structure, foster nutrient-rich environments, and support beneficial microorganisms. These tools prioritise soil health by minimising soil disturbance and maximising organic matter retention. From no-till methods that minimise soil erosion to cover crops that provide natural fertilisation, regenerative agriculture tools offer a holistic approach to bed preparation that focuses on long-term sustainability.
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