Back pain, beads of sweat and no end to the work? From now on, this is a thing of the past! Because here it is: the unsurpassed Broadfork by TERRADIX.
Soil cultivation has never been so easy, energy-saving and quickly done. Those who have it will love it and soon realize how indispensable it is in everyday gardening. An absolute must for every garden! Proper soil cultivation It is well known that ploughing or rotary-tilling of soil severely affects soil organisms and destroys their habitat. However, all plants depend on an intact soil fauna. This is the only way to achieve optimal nutrient exchange and healthy plant growth.
The TERRADIX digging fork gently loosens and aerates the soil with minimal vertical mixing. Organisms are thus preserved and have a lasting positive effect on soil fertility. The water absorption capacity increases and erosion is thus reduced. The tines are made of high-strength tool steel and thus achieve extreme resistance. The tine geometry differs from conventional digging forks due to the high, flat design, which leads to unprecedented stability in the direction of the load.
– very stable and durable digging fork
– completely powder coated in two colors
– made of high-strength tool steel
– for easy deep loosening, aeration
– fast and forceful work thanks to perfect ergonomics
– positive for soil fertility and soil fauna
– Working width: 50cm
– Weight: 5,7kg
– Tine length: 30cm
– Handle length: 107.5cm
– Total length : 139cm
– ideal for self-sufficients and ambitious gardeners
Further technical details on the design and special features of the Broadfork can also be found here
You can find the installation and operating instructions here